"The site [YouTube] now boasts over 2 billion views per day or, as YouTube’s blog puts it, '…nearly double the prime-time audience of all three major U.S. television networks combined.'"
Source: YouTube Turns Five: Changing TV and Creating Celebrities
"Recently I saw a headline saying that Microsoft is going to try to relaunch Hotmail to make it cool. Really, why bother?"
Source: Why Does Steve Ballmer Still Have a Job?
"If gold is a bubble, it has been an under-performing one, in relative terms."
Source: Gold Bubble Has More Bubbling to Do
"Using the rule of 16 and the 1/3 trading days time frame, the following translations should be committed to memory:
- VIX of 16 – 1/3 of the time the SPX will have a daily change of at least 1%
- VIX of 32 – 1/3 of the time the SPX will have a daily change of at least 2%
- VIX of 48 – 1/3 of the time the SPX will have a daily change of at least 3%"
"Schematic of BP’s cementing plan."
Source: DeepWater Horizon